
From Wiki
< FreedomBox
Revision as of 09:05, 17 September 2023 by Joseph (talk | contribs) (Update pytest syntax to run only one test)
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Development and Debugging

Starting from scratch

vagrant destroy -f;
vagrant box remove freedombox/plinth-dev;
vagrant up;
vagrant provision

Resetting the VM

vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up && vagrant reload && vagrant ssh

To uninstall diaspora

apt remove --purge diaspora diaspora-common && echo "delete from plinth_module where name='diaspora';" | sqlite3 /var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3

To run in debug (autoreload) mode (doesn't work for files under actions/ folder)

sudo -u plinth /vagrant/run --develop 

To open a file in emacs as root@vagrant

mkdir /root/.ssh 
cp /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh

Run only one test

# Unit tests
py.test -k test_url_not_an_application plinth/tests/

# Functional tests
py.test --include-functional -k test_backup_restore plinth/modules/kiwix/

Using pytest

py.test-3 -q -s plinth/modules/backups/tests/

Vagrant box download for plinth-dev

wget -O ~/FreedomBox/<version>/providers/

To use the local box instead of downloading from repo

vagrant box add --name freedombox/plinth-dev <box name>

Turning off mac address randomization in Network Manager

Add this line to all files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections under wifi or ethernet or whatever.


Login into ttrss Postgresql database

sudo -n -u postgres /bin/bash postgres
psql -d ttrss -U ttrss -h localhost

Restart BuildBot server after making changes

This command should be run from the directory that contains the file master.cfg

buildbot checkconfig && (buildbot stop; buildbot upgrade-master; buildbot start)

Continuously run unit tests during development

  • Install the package entr from Debian.
  • Run this command in a module directory, such as plinth/modules/mediawiki/
find . -name '*.py' | entr -s 'py.test-3'

Clean all __pycache__ files

find . | grep -E (__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$) | xargs rm -rf

Reload browser tab automatically

fd -e html -e css | entr reload-browser Firefox

Remove deleted loopback devices

dmsetup remove_all