From fa20f4c628ada7791b7d8c110e248b347cbaf9be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joseph Nuthalapati Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 22:26:43 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] git-pull-all & ebook-to-audio-book --- ebook-to-audio-book.clj | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ git-pull-all.clj | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+) create mode 100755 ebook-to-audio-book.clj create mode 100755 git-pull-all.clj diff --git a/ebook-to-audio-book.clj b/ebook-to-audio-book.clj new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e6fa40a --- /dev/null +++ b/ebook-to-audio-book.clj @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bb + +; A utility to listen to your ebooks using TTS programs + +(require '[babashka.process :as p] + '[ :as io] + '[clojure.string :refer [split]]) + +;; TODO Check if all required utilities are installed + +;; TODO Allow voice selection +(println "Selected voice is Samantha") + +;; TODO Use festival-tts or say depending on OS + +(defn run-cmd + [command] + (->> command + p/process + :out + slurp)) + +(let [book-file (first *command-line-args*) + title (first (split book-file #"\.")) + txtz-file (str title ".txtz") + txt-file (str title ".txt") + aiff-file (str title ".aiff") + mp3-file (str title ".mp3")] + (println "Converting to text...") + (run-cmd ["ebook-convert" book-file txtz-file]) + (spit txt-file (run-cmd ["unzip" "-p" txtz-file "index.txt"])) + (println "Converting text to audio. Don't hold your breath!") + (run-cmd ["say" "-f" txt-file "-o" aiff-file]) + (println "Creating mp3 file...") + (run-cmd ["ffmpeg" "-i" aiff-file mp3-file]) + (println "Cleaning up...") + (doseq [temp-file [txtz-file txt-file aiff-file]] + (io/delete-file temp-file)) + (println (str "Done! Check out " mp3-file))) diff --git a/git-pull-all.clj b/git-pull-all.clj new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a8152d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/git-pull-all.clj @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bb + +; Runs `git pull` on all the git repositories in a directory + +(require '[babashka.process :as p] + '[ :as io]) + +(def default-root ".") + +(defn list-dirs + [root] + (filter #(.isDirectory %) (.listFiles (io/file root)))) + +(defn git-pull + [dir] + (p/process ["git" "-C" dir "pull" "--rebase"])) + +(when (= *file* (System/getProperty "babashka.file")) + (let [root (get (into [] *command-line-args*) 0 default-root) + dirs (list-dirs root) + pulls (->> root + list-dirs + (map git-pull) + doall) + outputs (map #(->> % p/check :out slurp) pulls)] + + ;; Print corresponding directory name when pulling + ;; Skip printing already up to date repos + (doseq [[dir out](filter #(not (.contains (second %) "is up to date.")) + (map vector dirs outputs))] + (println (str dir "\n" out))))) -- 2.43.0