#! /usr/bin/env bb ; -*- mode: clojure -*- ; A utility to listen to your ebooks using TTS programs ; ; This utility only works on macOS for now. (require '[clojure.java.io :as io] '[clojure.string :refer [split]] '[lib :refer [run-cmd extract-file-from-zip unixify]]) ;; TODO Check if all required utilities are installed ;; TODO Allow voice selection (let [default-voice (run-cmd ["defaults" "read" "com.apple.speech.voice.prefs" "SelectedVoiceName"])] (println (str "Will read using the default voice " default-voice))) ;; TODO Use festival-tts or say depending on OS (defn- convert [book-file] (let [title (first (split book-file #"\.")) txtz-file (str title ".txtz") txt-file (str title ".txt") aiff-file (str title ".aiff") mp3-file (str title ".mp3")] (println "Converting to text...") (run-cmd ["ebook-convert" book-file txtz-file]) (extract-file-from-zip txtz-file "index.txt" txt-file) (println "Converting text to audio. Don't hold your breath!") (run-cmd ["say" "-f" txt-file "-o" aiff-file]) (println "Creating mp3 file...") (run-cmd ["ffmpeg" "-i" aiff-file mp3-file]) (println "Cleaning up...") (run! io/delete-file [txtz-file txt-file aiff-file]) (println (str "Done! Check out " mp3-file)))) (unixify convert)