;;; nimcoon.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; ;;; Usage in Doom Emacs ;;; Place or symlink the file into ~/.doom.d/ ;;; (load! "nimcoon") ;;; Non-interactive functions to respond to URL clicks (defun nimcoon-play-url (url &rest args) "Play given URL in NimCoon." (start-process "nimcoon" nil "nimcoon" url)) ;; Play all YouTube URLs in NimCoon (setq browse-url-browser-function (quote (("youtu\\.?be" . nimcoon-play-url) ("." . browse-url-default-browser)))) (defun run-nimcoon(args query) "Search by QUERY and play in NimCoon." (call-process "nimcoon" nil 0 nil args query)) ;;; Interactive functions (defun nimcoon-feeling-lucky-music(query) (interactive "sSearch query: ") (run-nimcoon "-ml" query)) (defun nimcoon-feeling-lucky-video(query) (interactive "sSearch query: ") (run-nimcoon "-l" query)) (defun nimcoon-download-video(query) (interactive "sSearch query: ") (run-nimcoon "-dl" query)) (defun nimcoon-download-music(query) (interactive "sSearch query: ") (run-nimcoon "-dlm" query)) ;; Assumes only one process exists. Must capture the pid of the running NimCoon process and only kill it. (defun nimcoon-kill-background-processes() "Kill NimCoon process running in the background. Useful for stopping background music." (interactive) (shell-command "kill `pgrep nimcoon` `pgrep mpv` `pgrep vlc`")) (defun nimcoon-search(args query) "Search by QUERY with the given ARGS." (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*NimCoon search results*" (call-process "nimcoon" nil "*NimCoon search results*" t args query) (with-current-buffer "*NimCoon search results*" (org-mode)))) (defun nimcoon-search-video(query) "Search for a video by QUERY." (interactive "sSearch query: ") (nimcoon-search "-n" query)) (defun nimcoon-search-music(query) "Search for a video by QUERY." (interactive "sSearch query: ") (nimcoon-search "-nm" query)) ;;; Keybindings (map! :leader ;;; N --- NimCoon (:prefix-map ("N" . "NimCoon") (:prefix ("d" . "Download") :desc "Video" "v" #'nimcoon-download-video :desc "Music" "m" #'nimcoon-download-music) (:prefix ("s" . "Search") :desc "Video" "v" #'nimcoon-search-video :desc "Music" "m" #'nimcoon-search-music) :desc "Kill" "k" #'nimcoon-kill-background-processes :desc "Video" "v" #'nimcoon-feeling-lucky-video :desc "Music" "m" #'nimcoon-feeling-lucky-music))