#! /usr/bin/env bb ; -*- mode: clojure -*- ; Runs `git pull` on all the git repositories in a directory (require '[babashka.process :as p] '[clojure.java.io :as io]) (def default-root ".") (defn list-dirs [root] (filter #(.isDirectory %) (.listFiles (io/file root)))) (defn git-pull [dir] (p/process ["git" "-C" dir "pull" "--rebase"])) (when (= *file* (System/getProperty "babashka.file")) (let [root (get (into [] *command-line-args*) 0 default-root) dirs (list-dirs root) pulls (->> root list-dirs (map git-pull) doall) outputs (map #(->> % p/check :out slurp) pulls)] ;; Print corresponding directory name when pulling ;; Skip printing already up to date repos (doseq [[dir out] (filter #(not (.contains (second %) "is up to date.")) (map vector dirs outputs))] (println (str dir "\n" out)))))